This page is dedicated to the assisted living facilities found in Centerville, Iowa.
Each facility listed here may be contacted directly and safely!
Additionally, we encourage you to become familiar with the Milestones Area Agency on Aging, which serves senior and caregivers in Centerville. This agency provides many services and supports, including: Family Caregiver Support; Elder Rights; Senior Nutrition Services; Senior Health Insurance Program (SHIP) Information, and much more.
Centerville, Iowa – Continental at St. Joseph’s Assisted Living Community for Seniors
When considering all of the costs associated with living at home, Assisted Living Centers like The Continental at St. Joseph’s, become more affordable than one might initially think, especially when long term care insurance could pay most if not all of the costs. If you compare the cost of living in an Assisted Living apartment compared to the cost of living in a Long Term Care facility, Assisted Living Centers costs less.
800-279-6671Pricing & Availability
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Contact The Continental at St. Joseph’s Directly!
Address : 1917 S 18th St Centerville, IA 52544
Phone: (641) 856-6601
800-307-2172Pricing & Availability
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Assisted Living with Centerville, Iowa Assisted Living Facilities & Senior Care