Assisted Living Directory iconAssisted Living Directory has researched assisted living facility options in Davenport to provide this page as an unbiased, trustworthy place for you to investigate the many different facilities here.
You’ve probably been to a number of other senior care sites by now, and you may have noticed that often times, they don’t allow you to contact the facility directly,or they don’t offer pertinent information. We don’t dothat here – our site is straightforward information,and each facility listed here **may be contacted directly, and safely. We also offer ways for you to get additional help, should you need it.
We also try to point out great places for you to go next – to continue your research. Notably for Davenport, the Milestones Area Agency on Aging is a terrific place to find out about local programs, assistance and services geared towards seniors.
Programs offered through the agency may include: Family Caregiver support; Senior Insurance Information Program (SHIIP); Support Groups; Senior Internship Progams and much more. The agency can be contacted directly at 563-324-9085.
How to quickly learn which senior care facilities accept Medicare or Medicaid; LTC Insurance & Veterans Administration Benefits
4040 East 55th Street
Davenport, IA 52807
42 Rooms
55 Minimum age requirement
Availability/Price: (866) 315-1354
800-307-2172Pricing & Availability
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Special and modified diets available:
900 West 46th Street
Davenport, IA
566 Rooms
566 Total Medicare beds at facility
566 Total Medicaid beds at facility
1998 Year business was founded
Monthly rates include these basic services:
Availability/Price: (866) 666-1057
800-308-7898Pricing & Availability
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1128 W 53rd St Davenport, IA 52806
(563) 386-6933
Most services are included in the monthly rental fee; however, some specialty services require an additional charge.
Availability/Price: (866) 981-5725
800-294-5159Pricing & Availability
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Assisted Living and Alzheimer’s Community
5605 Jersey Ridge Road
Davenport Iowa, 52807
Availability/Price: (877) 644-2963
800-307-2172Pricing & Availability
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1607 W 12th St # 2205, Davenport, IA 52804
Phone:(563) 323-3888
Availability/Price: (877) 644-2963
800-286-5507Pricing & Availability
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4130 Northwest Blvd
Davenport, IA 52806
290 Resident Capacity
(563) 391-3430
Availability/Price: (888) 502-2057
1-800-287-1593Pricing & Availability
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4500 Elmore Ave Davenport, IA 52807
Availability/Price: (888) 723-8284
800-308-7898Pricing & Availability
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1575 W. 53rd St. Davenport, IA 52806
(563) 386-9196
Availability/Price: (888) 981-6827
800-291-3930Pricing & Availability
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Offering adults 55 and older Affordable Assisted Living, located on the beautiful Marycrest Senior Campus. We provide personal assistance, medication management, meals, activities, companionship, and medical staff 24 hours/7 days a week. We are here when that little extra help is needed. Each apartment has a fully equipped kitchen that includes stove, refrigerator, and dishwasher. Washer and Dryer also provided for every unit. We are an active 55+ community. Income guidelines apply. EHO, Ask about financial assistance program.
Please contact Janet 563-528-0491
Availability/Price: (888) 985-4427
1-800-287-1593Pricing & Availability
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709 Brown Street
Davenport, Iowa
A State Certified Elder Group Home
Availability/Price: (866) 315-1354
800-308-7754Pricing & Availability
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CASI is now conveniently located in west Davenport and boasts 40,000 square feet of newly remodeled activity and event space
1035 W Kimberly Rd
Davenport, IA 52806
P: 563.386.7477
800-291-3893Pricing & Availability
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There is a lot of information out there about the many assisted living facilities and other senior care options in Davenport. Some of it is helpful, other information is probably outdated, or incorrect.
We can help you, in a very personal manner, to sort through the many options here, to find the most affordable assisted living home or facility in Davenport (or anywhere else in Iowa) that fits your needs, health concerns, and personal situation.
We have a network of contacts, and in-depth information on most of the facilities listed on this page.
We can also let you know when, and where there may be discounts at facilities that are not available to the general public!
Our service is, and always has been – completely free. We’ve helped thousands of families over the years, and look forward to helping yours!
Assisted Living with Assisted Living Facilities, Video Tours & Senior Care - Davenport, IA