Recommended Senior Care Facility Data for Hawaii

Visit or return to our Hawaii Assisted Living Directory page for facilities information, photos and contacts.

Assisted Living Directory will always strive to point out great, and highly trustworthy resources that will help our users to find appropriate senior care and help.  In this spirit, we’d like to show you a few state-sponsored and noncommercial resources in Hawaii that provide comprehensive information for many senior care ‘niches’ including assisted living.


The Aging and Disability Resource Center of Hawaii has a great “Directory of Organizations” that provides a comprehensive, noncommercial way to research many different types of senior care and services througout Hawaii.

Service Categories that can be searched include

Adult Day Care
Caregiver Information and Support
Independent Living
Senior Centers and Clubs
Care Homes and Assisted Living Facilities

and quite a bit more.

To start, simply choose your desired service, such as Care Home/Facility, and then your zip code, and a solid list of services and facilities will be displayed.

Clicking on the facility name will bring up further information, and often times the facility’s website address, where you can find more information.

There are service finder tools for
Hawaii County
Honolulu County
Kaua’i County
and Maui County

Additionally, the State of Hawaii’s Department of Health offers a ‘State Licensing Section‘ that includes a section that will display a list of statewide assisted living facilities in Hawaii.  This list comes up in a .pdf, which can be downloaded and printed easily.

This list shows the facility’s capacity, which is great information if you are looking for a specific facility size.

We hope that this information helps you to further your safe, and trusted research into the many senior care options throughout Hawaii.

4 thoughts on “Recommended Senior Care Facility Data for Hawaii

  1. Stanley Langworthy

    I’ve also heard that Hawaii has been recognized for its great and accommodating senior care institutions recently. Having advance facilities and systematic approach over it simply means they are one of the few leading places promoting and providing elderly care services globally. Hopefully their light will shed across different countries strengthening and bolstering its very own industry.

  2. David Post author

    I’ve been doing some recent researching for our Hawaii section, and yes there are some great items and resources provided by the State, but I am learning that they don’t offer public records for assisted living facilities online, and there is not very good information out there on things like assisted living waivers, etc. Hopefully in these areas Hawaii will improve.

  3. David Post author

    Thanks for the comment – so appreciated. We work very hard to make our site useful, so I am glad someone noticed! 🙂