Would your facility be able to accommodate this person?

Here is another great question submitted through our site to an assisted living facility – we’ve removed anyidentifying names. We think it is a great question relevant to our “how to open” an assisted living facility article.Many people who dream of opening their own ALF may not fully realize the scope of issues that their potential residents mayhave. The question was:

“I have been asked to do a little preliminary recon from afar and will be in your area after Easter. My mother-in-law has Alzheimer’s, scoliosis, recovered from a broken hip, and now uses a walker. A gait belt is used whenever she is not seated or lying down. A toileting schedule of every 2 hours daytime and 4 hours at night. She is very kind and childlike (without the tantrums).
Should you have room for her and/or be willing to take her in your care, I have no inkling of the costs involved.
We currently have in home care 7:30am-5:30pm 4 days a week at $12/hr. The two wonderful caregivers are considering
retirement themselves and we (daughters and sons) are looking at all options.”

Would your facility be able to accommodate this person?