Kansas Facility Inspections & Citations Tutorial

Return to or visit our Kansas Assisted Living Directory page for facilities listings and information.

Assisted Living Directory is on a mission to educate our users on how to safely research senior care information, and whenever possible, how to look up facility violations and inspections reports, which we consider essential information for any serious interest or inquiry into a senior care facility, or facilities.

Fortunately, in Kansas this is possible, and easy to do, as our video tutorial will show you:

We consistently see new, and often times questionable senior care websites popping up out there, and just as often, sites that have questionable motives, and shoddy information.   We feel that by pointing out ways to double-check and verify information that you have found elsewhere is an additional step, or safety-measure, to make sure that you are making the best decision possible, with the most accurate, unbiased and trustworthy information at hand.

The Kansas Department For Aging and Disability offers numerous tools and resources to help with your search into assisted living facilities, residential care homes, adult day care, nursing homes, and many more categories.  It even offers a 133 page downloadable and printable .pdf list of senior care facilities statewide (city or rural) – I’ve included the link below.

We wish everyone safe searching and researching, and we hope that you find the best care possible that suits your needs!

Website Highlighted In This Video

More Information: