I am from Arizona, and I have to say that I am awfully proud of my home-state when it comes to the support and resources it offers to families researching assisted living.
* (Return to, or visit our Arizona Assisted Living page.)
Most states are not nearly as good about offering factual facility information, definitions, and support if you have questions.
With this in mind, I’d like to show you where to find two great information sources chock-full of great information about assisted living throughout Arizona.
First, there’s the guide I was talking about:
The great thing about this guide is that it offers:
* A definition of assisted living in Arizona – each state is slightly, or even quite different from another
* It talks about who regulates the industry in AZ.
* It tells you where you can go online to find public records about facilities, including records of inspections, complaints, and
licensing history.
* It tells you how to file a complaint against a facility or residential care home. Let’s say you are in a facility in Mesa, and they they are understaffed, or putting someone’s life or well-being in danger. You can use this form to alert the state.
* There is also a great list of questions to ask facilities as you research, and tour them.
Lastly, there’s a phone number that you can call to ask questions from a Licensing Specialist: (602) 364-2639.
Although this guide is only about 3 pages long, the information it includes, and the sites/phone numbers it references provides an all-around excellent, one-stop guide for assisted living statewide in AZ.
Lastly, do learn state inspections, complaints and citations, visit our “How To Look Up” page, where we use Arizona as our example.
I wish, as always, a safe and wonderful research experience for everyone!
– David