Assisted Living can help younger folks too!

A few times a week, I seem to be reminded that there is confusion around assisted living, and long term care.   I think there is still the perception among many people that assisted living can only help seniors, or those who have memory disorders.

I am also reminded quite often that there is most certainly a need for assisted living among many members of our younger population.  Illness and accidents can happen at any age, and the level to which family and friends can take care of someone with a debilitating illness or condition can sometimes be insufficient for what is needed.

Today, a message came through our site that illustrates and reminds us that even people in the ‘springtime’ of their lives may need the help that assisted living can offer.   The message was:

‘My brother in law who is 31 is in the hospital after having a very large bening brain tumor removed.  He had two surgeries that were both more than 11 hrs.  He is doing remarkably well but is still in need of 24/7 care due to his short term memory loss.  He has been at Butterworth since Dec 28, 2010.

Like many, he had no insurance.  We have a tentative Medicaid number and because he no assests or income we are hopeful he will be approved.

We are also waiting for our court hearing for my inlaws to obtain guardianship.   That court date is set for Feb. 22.
Our family is all located in the Muskegon area.  Do you know of any resourses in our area?

We are looking for any help you can give us.  Wether it is with your facility or information on another.
Thank you for your time.’
– Rachael

Rachel seems to be on the right track – asking the appropriate questions, and doing research on different facilities.   We wish her the best of luck…